
Our Vision

A place where children have fun getting to know Jesus and have fun going to live for Jesus

Our Mission

To win and disciple children for Jesus

Our Beliefs

Every child deserves love, safety, care, and respect

Every child has God given talents, intelligence, curiosity, and purpose

Every child needs someone to train and educate him or her

Every child needs Jesus

Every child is accepted by God

Letter to Parents

Click here to view


OakTown News

Current Newsletter



Sermon Notes

Sabbath School


OakTown A.R.T.S. Series

BANK SONG Lyrics (Click to Download)



Register Here


Prayer Requests

Strategic Plan


“Keep B. I. S. S. I. for Jesus”

Brand at all levels

Innovate to educate

Select methods with intentionality

Support leaders

Involve children, parents, and volunteers

OakTown is our Oakwood University Church children’s ministry environment. It provides many activities for children to grow in Christ (see below). In addition, OakTown offers a unique experience for children to get to know Jesus through the OakTown community.

The OakTown community is just beginning. As it grows it will include a P.O.S.T. Office for prayer, a B.A.N.K. for giving, a Performing A.R.T.S. Center for praise and worship, an F.B.I. Office for Bible study, a S.T.O.P. Sign for Sabbath power, and a G.I.F.T.S. Center for accepting Jesus and sharing Jesus with others.

In addition, we celebrate children’s birthdays and personal milestones in OakTown. We promote health in body, mind, and relationships. We encourage individuality, unity, and community.

OakTown is looking for committed and Christ-centered people to assist in this ministry. We gladly accept monetary and other types of donations to help children know Jesus and go for Jesus.

Growth Activities

(will resume as soon as possible)

Adventurer Club
1st/3rd Sundays 10 a.m.

Social and physical activities
Ages 4-9

Bible Bowl Pre-Junior Team
Saturdays 5 p.m.

Bible study and Bible challenges
Ages 6-9

Children’s Choir
Wednesdays 6:00 p.m.

Musical and dramatic presentations.
Ages 4-12

Children’s Church
Saturdays 11 a.m. (coming Fall 2019)

Prayer, praise, kid’s sermons, Bible activities
Ages 5-12

Children’s Story
Saturdays 11 a.m.

Sermons prepared especially for
children Birth to 12 years old

Sabbath School
Saturdays 9:30 a.m.

Prayer, Bible stories, and praise
Birth to 12 years old

OakTown Sabbath School Lead Team

Children’s Pastor

Beginners (0-3)

Primary 2 (Grades 3-4)

PreK-Kindergarten (4-5)

Junior (Grades 5-6)

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